How to earn money from Article Writing 2022

Article Writing se paise kaise kamaye: You might be wondering if it is really possible to make money online? It is not yet clear what he will do after he leaves office. In this blog we have many articles on online earnings. Nowadays there are many ways to make money online. One of the topics I will discuss with you today is how to make money from writing articles online.

Today is the time of the internet, and in this age of the internet you can take the opportunity to earn money online without watching videos online, chatting on social media or doing other unnecessary work. Hey that’s true and thousands of people in different countries and abroad are earning at least $100 to $500 sitting at home via the internet. And, in some cases, people are making a lot more money out of it.

Thus, there are many ways or rules of online income from the Internet. Creating blogs and YouTube channels in those rules is the best way to earn online. I have already told you in detail about how to make money from YouTube. So today I want to give you a little information about a new topic. That is, how to earn money in different ways from online article writing.

Today the impact or demand of digital marketing has increased so much that its use and benefits have become very high. We can say that writing or publishing articles via the Internet is a part of digital marketing. And, if you know how to write English well and if you have good knowledge or knowledge of article writing, you can earn thousands of rupees a month sitting at home through this article writing method.

If you want to earn money online from article writing then what you have to do and where you can earn money from, how much money can be made, today in this article I am discussing with you in detail. So let’s not take long and know what we are going to learn today. Today we will know –

I request you to read this article in its entirety. In this, you will understand everything in a better way. Now let’s know everything one by one.

What is Article Writing?

Article or article writing is usually a part of writing that we have to write in at least 300 words. And, in any article we write about a specific topic. You have a good knowledge of such a topic or topic and you can give a lot of information about it to people through articles.

Previously, articles were usually written or published in newspapers and books or magazines. But, nowadays you can publish articles through online blog, forum, website or any medium of digital marketing. Now the times have changed and everything has gone digital.

How to write an article? Some rules for article writing

Whether you’re writing articles in a blog or in a magazine, there are some general rules for writing articles that people won’t like your topic if you don’t follow. Of course, you should try to arouse people’s interest in your content.

So that you enjoy every word you write and the topic you’re writing on, so that they can be better understood, only then can you make your name as a successful content writer.

It is not up to me to teach you how to write an article on a subject or how well you are publishing an article on a subject or topic. It all depends on the knowledge and experience you have on a subject.

The more knowledge and experience you have, the more you can write an article on the details. Only then will people be interested in your article. And so, always remember, “Before writing an article, A to Z is about the topic you’re thinking of writing so you can get to know.”

In addition, I would like to talk about some of the general rules of article writing, which you can use to make your content very interesting and easy to understand.

How to write an interesting article? (5 tips)

If you want to see yourself as a successful content writer or make a career as a content writer, you need to follow some simple content writing rules.

These are the basic rules and if you want to write interesting, user-friendly, efficient and excellent articles then the use of these rules is very important. So what are the rules of writing an article?

Some useful rules for writing a good article:-

  • Apply clear, interesting and concise titles. After reading the title, visitors will be willing to read your article. And, writing short titles will make the content of your article clear.
  • Remember, you have to write in short paragraphs. This is a very effective rule for writing clear, clean and user-friendly content. When you see all the big blogs online on the internet you will understand. Whenever they write an article, they write small paragraphs of 3 to 4 lines. These short paragraphs help people read your writing better later and as a result people read your writing more often.
  • You should use the title. It is very important to use titles such as (H1, H2, H3 and H4). In this many parts of the entire article can be created and it is very convenient for your reader to read the article. Remember, the use of titles is very important.
  • Write at least 600 to 1500 articles. You can write an article of more than 1500 words if you want. However, do not write articles of less than 600 words. The more words you use to write on your own content or a topic, the more knowledge you will gain from reading that writing. And, your readers come to read your writings or content to gain knowledge.
  • Use pictures. Hey, there can’t be a good and interesting writing without pictures. You can use pictures related to your topic in the article. This way, the article will be more interesting and will look good.

So friends, if you write an article using the rules mentioned above, then it will be completely interesting and clear and with that, after you write, people’s interest will increase. I use these rules for content writing on my blog and people are very happy to burn them.

How to Make Money from Article Writing in 2022 ?

Let’s see how people can earn a lot by writing articles sitting at home, let’s see how to earn money from article writing.

Make money by writing articles on your blog

When it comes to making money through article writing, I would choose blogging as the best and best medium. Create a blog in which you can write your own articles. You can write exactly what you like to write. For example, if you don’t know English, you can make money by writing Hindi content. As I am doing.

The process of making money by creating a blog is very simple. And, if you want, you can create a blog yourself, write an article in it and then make money by showing Google Adsense ads on the blog or through affiliate marketing.

Totally a simple and profitable means by which you can earn money regularly. Through this blogging, thousands of people are earning millions of rupees a month by writing articles.

If you write good articles regularly, you can start earning about $100 to $200 per month in just 3 to 4 months. And, then the number of these incomes will gradually increase depending on your work. However, the amount of income will depend entirely on the quality of your work and materials.

So if you also want to earn online through blogging and content writing, then read these topics below.

In the end, I want to tell you one thing. I don’t know how much you’ll earn through other means. But, if you learn blogging with mind and interest and then start it, it will save you so much money that you can’t even imagine.

It all depends on writing a good article. I myself am earning well per month by writing articles only in Hindi on this Hindi blog. And, now I’m running this blog as a part-time business.

How do you make money by writing guest posts ?

Paid guest posting is a service through which you can earn money by writing articles on other people’s blogs. Today there are many blog or website owners who do not have the time to write articles for their blog. And, so they encourage other people to write articles on their blog through paid guest postings.

And, if you write content related to the topic of the blog through paid guest posts on their blog, they give you some money to write that article. But, you have to write original, good and related content related to their blog. Then, they’ll pay you for that writing.

You can search for paid guest posting sites or blogs on Google or social media such as Facebook or Twitter. There are many digital marketing pages or guest pages on Facebook in which people share about such guest posting work or guest posting blogs.

If you get some good paid guests posting blogs, you can earn good money online by writing for them regularly.

I’ve seen many Hindi blogs in which you can register directly and earn money by writing articles there. If you search on Google, you will find many such blogs.

How to make money from article revenue sharing websites?

Did you know that there are many websites to earn money by writing articles, using which you can earn money online sitting at home? It is called the “article revenue sharing site”. But hey, these are not what you write on the site. I have to write content using the above article writing rules and the content must be original written by me.

In addition, it is better that the number of articles exceeds 1500. Finally, if those websites accept your written content, they will pay you for that article. If you write articles regularly using these sites, you can earn anywhere from $200 to $500 sitting at home. Let’s know about those websites.

The Best Website to Make Money by Writing Articles

I haven’t used these websites myself. But saw a lot of online reviews and I got to know about these websites through the internet. So, you can try these sites.

1. Kalaage – Here you can write any kind of article. And, write articles and share it with you through social media or any other medium. After sharing the article, when your article gets 200 views and 10 good reads or likes, you will be paid for that written article.

All you have to do is create an account by going to the Kalaage Register page and writing content by clicking on the “Start Writing” link. Then share your article on Facebook or other social media and earn money. You can earn up to Rs 300 per article.


Among the websites that made money from article writing, I was very happy to learn about the website. Because, here you are given the opportunity to earn online income in two ways.

First, by writing an article and on each scene, and secondly, you can share any article on this website on social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and you will make money from the ideas of the articles shared. You will be given a dashboard. In the dashboard you will find your income report and other details.

3. OpinionsWall

Here you have to create an OpinionWall account immediately. Remember, so that you can improve your account details. So you have to write a good article here, you can write any topic. But, so that your article is original and copied from somewhere so that there is no theft.

I’ve read a lot of good reviews about this website. People say that here they are writing content like their own and making money online sitting at home. Here you can earn money by writing, sharing, commenting or liking articles.

Finally, you don’t need to be an expert in writing the material here. If there are any errors in your writing, the content editor team will fix them on their behalf. You just write about good things and keep earning. Here you can withdraw money earned through Google Pay and Bank Transfer.

Apart from these, there are many other sites that make income by writing articles.

4. Fiver

Fiver is a popular freelancing marketplace in the world. Here you will create your service related gig. Then the customers will come and buy your service. Here you can open gigs on content writing, translation, article rewriting. And these gigs are quite much more cellular in Fiver.

5. Freelancer

Freelancer is another popular marketplace. Here the customers post jobs with job descriptions and freelancers hire customers by bidding. Here the job is given to the best bidder after thousands of bids for the job.

So before you enter this market, you will know the rules of bidding in a professional way. Another option in this market is to get a job through competition, but the job content of writing articles is very low.

6. Upwork

It’s the best freelancing marketplace. You get more expensive work here. And you need to be a lot more expert to work here. So if you think that you can write very good quality articles then you can open an account on this site.

7. Hire Writer

This website is primarily for authors. Here as a writer you will have an account and then those who will need writers will come and see your rate and hire you. There are many more such websites but The Higher Writer is the most famous.

Conclusion :-

Many people are earning well from article writing at the moment. You can be one of them but for that you have to work hard and develop your skills and the biggest thing is that no one can be a millionaire in a day.

Thanks for reading this post for so long. Tell us in the comments which way you have chosen to earn money by writing articles.

Hope friends, I have been able to explain to you some of the best ways to make money from article writing online, what article writing is, how can I write. If you liked my article today, please share it. Thank you.

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